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Call for Workshops/Tutorials

    CASCON is a premier conference for advanced studies in computer science and software engineering. This year the conference is led by academics. It attracts software developers, researchers, innovators, technologists and decision makers from academia, industry, and government, who come together to learn about technology trends, present papers, participate in workshops, and exhibit prototypes and solutions. The conference program features thought-provoking keynotes, original research papers, stimulating workshops, and an engaging technology expo. Conference proceedings are published in IEEE Explore.

    In 2024 the workshops will provide a forum to present, discuss, and debate issues, problems, ideas, technology gaps, work-in-progress, and/or directions. The format of a workshop may include position papers, expert panels, hands-on exercises, and discussions. Workshops may be half-day or full-day.

    Workshop proposals should include:

    • Workshop title and acronym.
    • List of all organizers and their contact information.
    • A brief abstract of the goals and format of the workshop (250 words max). If your workshop is accepted, this information will appear on the CASCON website.
    • Workshop theme, goals, and relevance. Please provide a clear statement of why members of the CASCON community will be interested in this workshop and what impact your workshop will have on them. Also, state your success criteria for the workshop (500 words max)
    • A description of how the workshop will be structured (e.g., paper presentations, invited talks, working sessions, panels, etc.). Briefly explain how this format will help achieve the workshop goals. Mention already secured invited and keynote talks (500 words max)
    • Workshop duration (half day, 1 day).
    • Additional requests for the organizers (if any).

    The conference is also accepting proposals for half- or full-day tutorials that will provide an excellent opportunity to introduce technology solutions to interested participants. Tutorials on emerging technologies are encouraged.

    A separate Call for Posters will be distributed later.

    Important Dates

    Proposal submissions openFriday, July 2, 2024
    Proposal dueMonday, August 15, 2024
    Notification of acceptanceMonday, August 29, 2024
    Final content dueMonday, September 27, 2024

    Proposal Submission Instructions

    To submit a tutorial or workshop proposal please access and select either:

    • "Workshop Proposal" or
    • "Tutorial Proposal"