35th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Advances in Software and Computing
Second Student Centre, York University, 15 Library Lane, Toronto, ON, Canada
November 10-13, 2025

IEEE CASCON is a premier conference for advanced research in computer science and software engineering. The IEEE CASCON 2025 Tutorial Track provides an excellent opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and technology experts to share cutting-edge solutions, emerging trends, and innovative tools with the broader community. 

We invite proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials on topics relevant to IEEE CASCON attendees. Tutorials should be designed to educate and engage participants, offering demos and/or hands-on experience on state-of-the-art tools or emerging technologies, or deep dives into advanced research methodology or industrial best practices. 

Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the conference proceedings published in IEEE Xplore. 


Submission Guidelines 

Each tutorial proposal must include the following details: 

  • Title
  • Tutorial Length  
    • Indicate whether the tutorial is half-day (3.5 hours) or full-day (6 or 7.5 hours).
  • Abstract 
    • A concise abstract (suitable for publicity) summarizing the tutorial’s content and objectives.
  • Tutor Information 
    • Names, affiliations, emails, and contact details of all tutors. 
    • Short bio for each tutor (including those who will present the tutorial and those who will contribute only to the preparation), highlighting expertise related to the tutorial. 
    • Identify a corresponding tutor.
  • Target Audience & Prerequisites 
    • Specify the intended audience (e.g., PhD students, early-career researchers, all researchers, or practitioners). 
    • List any required background knowledge or skills.
  • Learning Objectives & Tutorial Outline 
    • Clearly define key takeaways for attendees. 
    • Briefly discuss the significance and expected impact of the tutorial. 
    • Provide a structured outline of topics covered.
  • Overlap Statement 
    • Indicate whether the tutorial (or a similar version) has been presented before. 
    • If so, describe any updates or improvements.
  • Engagement & Interactivity 
    • Describe strategies for audience participation and interactivity. 
    • Indicate whether the tutorial is hands-on.

Page Limit: 

  • The proposal must be limited to 2 pages (excluding references) and formatted using the IEEE CASCON 2025 template
  • All required information should be compiled into a single PDF file for submission.

Proposal Review Criteria 

Tutorial proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Overall quality of the proposal 
  • Relevance to IEEE CASCON attendees 
  • Expected level of interest and audience engagement 
  • Presenter experience and expertise 
  • Avoidance of duplication with other tutorials 

The final selection will be made by the IEEE CASCON 2025 Tutorial Chairs, with input from a small program committee.